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【驚愕】tunami debrisで検索したら「海がゴミ箱」になったことがわかった。

(ロイター/米海軍/マスコミュニケーション・スペシャリスト・シーマン・スティーヴ・ホワイト) http://rt.com/usa/fukushima-debris-island-texas-266/  より 1 million tons of Fukushima debris floating near US West Coast? Published time: November 05, 2013 17:53  

Over a million tons of Fukushima debris could be just 1,700 miles off the American coast, floating between Hawaii and California, according to research by a US government agency.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently updated its report on the movement of the Japanese debris, generated by the March 2011 tsunami, which killed 16,000 people and led to the Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown.

Seventy percent of an estimated 5 million tons of debris sank near the coast of Japan, according to the Ministry of Environment. The rest presumably floated out into the Pacific.

While there are no accurate estimates as to where the post-tsunami junk has traveled so far, the NOAA has come up with a computer model of the debris movement, which gives an idea of where its highest concentration could be found.

That area is crosshatched at the NOAA model below and resembles an island quite near the US shore.

The NOAA graphics have led to numerous media reporting about an island of rubbish moving towards the US.

The agency was forced to alleviate the concerns in an article saying there was “no solid mass of debris from Japan heading to the United States.”

“At this point, nearly three years after the earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, whatever debris remains floating is very spread out. It is spread out so much that you could fly a plane over the Pacific Ocean and not see any debris since it is spread over a huge area, and most of the debris is small, hard-to-see objects,” NOAA explains on its official webpage.

The agency has stressed its research is just computer simulation, adding that “observations of the area with satellites have not shown any debris.”

Despite the fact the tsunami debris is scattered and does not form a solid mass, the researchers still believe it’s a serious matter to keep an eye on.

Scientists are particularly interested in the organisms that could be living on objects from Japan reaching the west coast.

"At first we were only thinking about objects like the floating docks, but now we’re finding that all kinds of Japanese organisms are growing on the debris," John Chapman of the Marine Science Center at Oregon State University told Fox News.

"We've found over 165 non-native species so far," he continued. "One type of insect, and almost all the others are marine organisms … we found the European blue mussel, which was introduced to Asia long ago, and then it grew on a lot of these things that are coming across the Pacific ... we’d never seen it here, and we don’t particularly want it here."

The worst-case scenario would be that the trash is housing invasive organisms that could disrupt the local environment's current balance of life. Such was the case in Guam, where earlier this year it was announced that the US government intended to parachute dead mice laced with sedatives on to the island in order to deal with an invasive species of brown tree snake that was believed to have been brought to the American territory on a military ship over 60 years ago. In a little over half a century, a few snakes spawned what became an estimated 2 million animals, the likes of which ravaged the island's native bird population and warranted government intervention.

Other concerns such as radiation, meanwhile, have been downplayed. On its website, the NOAA says, “Radiation experts agree that it is highly unlikely that any tsunami-generated marine debris will hold harmful levels of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear emergency.” 

Independent groups like the 5 Gyres Institute, which tracks pollution at sea, have echoed the NOAA’s findings, saying that radiation readings have been “inconsequential.” Even the release of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear reactor shouldn't be a grave concern, since scientists say it will be diluted to the point of being harmless by the time it reaches American shores in 2014.  



国立海洋大気局(NOAA)は、2011年3月に発生した16000の人が死亡し、福島原子力発電所をメルトダウンに至らしめた日本の津波によって発生した日本の瓦礫の動きに関する報告書を最近更新しました。    環境省によると、推定約500万トンの瓦礫の70パーセントは、日本の海岸の近くで沈みました。残りはおそらく外へ太平洋に流出しました。   津波の後の瓦礫がどこまで遠くに移動するかに関して正確な予想がない間、NOAAは瓦礫の動きをコンピューター・モデルから取出しました。それは瓦礫が最も集中しているところを示しています。
下のNOAAモデルではその地域は陰影線をつけられて、米国岸に近い島のように見えます。         NOAAのグラフィックスは、米国の方へ移動している「瓦礫の島」について報告している多数のメディアにつながりました。   政府機関は「米国に向かっている日本からの瓦礫の固体の塊はなかった」という記事で、懸念を払拭しました。   「地震と津波が日本を襲ったほぼ3年後の時点で、浮いているままのどんな瓦礫も、非常に拡散しています。 余りにも広がっているため太平洋上空を飛行機に乗っても、どんな瓦礫も見えません。それは膨大な面積に拡散されているからであり、瓦礫のほとんどは小さくて見えにくい物体です」とNOAAは公式ウェブ・ページ上で説明します。 







「1種類の昆虫とその他のほとんどは海洋生物です … 我々はヨーロッパの青いカラスガイ(それはずいぶん昔にアジアに伝えられました)を見つけました。そして、太平洋を渡る多くの瓦礫の上でカラスガイは成長しました ... 我々はこれまでここでカラスガイを見たことがありませんし、特に欲してはいませんが」





津波で出た瓦礫は太平洋に流出しました。その後どうなったのか気になって「 tunami debris」でグーグル検索すると、海の汚染を示す驚くような画像がたくさん出てきます。以下のリンクをクリックしてみてください。↓


http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tunami+debris&sm=12   ←動画が山のように出てくる


http://marinedebris.noaa.gov/ 海のゴミ トップページ

http://marinedebris.noaa.gov/sites/default/files/JTMDOnePager_July2013_0.pdf  日本の津波災害瓦礫について PDF 




Boat found on beach confirmed from Japan; plan set to remove dock

By KATU.com Staff Published: Jun 19, 2012 at 4:05 PM PST Last Updated: Oct 31, 2013 at 6:07 PM PST


LONG BEACH, Wash. – The 20-foot fiberglass boat that recently washed up on a Washington beach was indeed from Japan, state officials confirmed on Tuesday.

The boat washed ashore at Cape Disappointment on June 15, just more than 15 months after it was swept out to sea by the tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011.、

The Japanese Consulate in Seattle confirms the boat was originally from the Tohoku region of Japan, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Officials at the consulate told NOAA the owner does not want to get the boat and is okay with officials in Washington disposing of it.

The boat broke into several pieces as it rolled through the surf before ending up on the beach. However Washington Department of Ecology officials said it did not spill any fuel on the beach.

Health officials also scanned it for radiation and other contaminants but found nothing.

So far, NOAA has tracked 404 reports of Japanese debris washing up on the West Coast between California and Alaska. | Track tsunami debris

One of the largest was the large dock that washed ashore at Agate Beach in Oregon.

On Tuesday, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department officials said they hired a Vancouver, Wash. company to dismantle the dock on the beach and remove it in pieces by land.

The process is expected to cost the state around $84,155.

Parks officials considered bids that involved towing the dock elsewhere by sea before dismantling it but couldn’t guarantee invasive species wouldn’t make it into nearby Yaquina Bay.

Marine biologists removed two tons of plants and animals from the dock but there are concerns some invasive organisms are still living on the bottom or interior of the dock.

Species on the dock included the northern Pacific sea star and wakame, which are both of the global list of the 100 worst invasive species.

Portions of the dock will be saved and used in a local memorial.

Also on Tuesday, researchers in Washington said they found parts of a house that appeared to be from Japan. It washed ashore on a remote beach west of Seattle.

長い海岸線に漂着 –最近 ワシントン州のビーチに打ち上げられた20フィートのグラスファイバー製のボートは、確かに日本からだったと、州の当局は火曜日に確認しました。






これまでのところ、NOAA はカリフォルニアとアラスカの間の西海岸に打ち寄せられた日本の瓦礫の404 の報告を追跡しています。 Track tsunami debris









(管理人より) 訳は管理人。

 津波の瓦礫がシアトルにも漂着しています。なんとなく、アメリカの御用機関が火消ししているように見えます。市民レベルでは結構大騒ぎで、404件もNOAAに報告が寄せられていたようですが 、なぜか今は見れなくなっています。






http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/news/features/dec11/japan-tsunami-debris.html  より


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